జాగృతి డిగ్రీ & పి.జి కళాశాల

ESTD:1993, Co-Education

Jagruti Degree & P.G College is one of the best degree colleges in hyderabad

Padmashali Bhavan, Narayanaguda, Hyderabad 500029

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 Girls who join Jagruti Degree & P.G College will get Rs 5000 concession per year

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♦ 600+ Placements 2024-25

♦ Girls who join Jagruti Degree & P.G College will get Rs 5000 concession per year

♦ Join Jagruti Degree & P.G College – DEGREE ADMISSION we will help you with FREE DOST Registration

♦ 600+ Placements 2024-25
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hyderabad degree colleges Campus Photo

Jagruti Degree & P.G College

Best Degree Colleges in Hyderabad

Jagruti Degree & P.G College is one of the best degree colleges in hyderabad

30+ Years
Sponsored by SEWA,(Society for Education & Welfare Action) Jagruti Degree & PG College, established in 1993, is affiliated to Osmania University and is recognized by the Govt. of Telangana and as one of the top degree colleges in Hyderabad with outstanding educational facilties.
3000+ Students
Jagruti provides its students with academic, extracurricular and other resources that help achieve the highest scholarly levels and prepare them for positions of leadership and lives of service in many fields of human endeavor.
Extra curricular Activites
Extracurricular Activities are at the heart of Jagruti, we encourage students to participate in NCC, RedCross and sports activities - inter university competitions (outdoor & indoor) like singing, dancing, painting, carroms & festival celebrations.
Education Driven Faculty
Faculty members at Jagruti one of the Hyderabad's best degree colleges have an unparalleled reputation for balancing excellence in their fields with a dedication to their students, through both classroom instruction and independent study advising.
350+ Placements
Training & Placement Cell which has been quite active over the past 30 years the college has impressive number of selections by the major IT and ITES like: INFOSYS, WIPRO, TCS, CAPGEMINI, DELLOITTE, HDFC, ICICI, HSBC etc
Modern Facilities
To support student learning and their personal development, the campus is fully equipped with state-of-the-art facilities with Modern Labs and Modern Classrooms that are way ahead of the best degree colleges in hyderabad.

Jagruti Degree and P.G College is the best degree colleges in Hyderabad, offering a range of courses for students of all levels. Established in 1993 and affiliated to Osmania University, this co-educational college provides the highest quality education, with competent faculty and excellent facilities. Join us one of the best degree colleges in Hyderabad.

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The Chairman
hyderabad degree colleges College event
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Vice Principal
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Notice Board

For the latest events Click Here

INDUCTION for 2024 freshers of B.Sc, B.Com & BBA is on 19th July at 9:30am
Venue: Padmashali Bhavan, King Koti Rd, Narayanguda, Hyderabad

Revaluation and Photocopy Details of BA/B.Com./B.Sc./BBA/BSW (CBCS) II , IV & VI Semester (Regular & Backlog) and I, III & V (Backlog) Examinations - June / July 2023 - Revaluation and Photocopy Details

All the B.Sc /B.Com / BBA students of 2019-20 batch are hereby informed that last date to pay Backlog Exam fee for I,II,III,IV,V,VI Semesters is 20th April 2023 (without late fee). Rs.1000/- penal fee per each paper. For details 2019-20 Exam Fee Details

All the B.Sc / B.Com / BBA students of 2020-21,2021-22,2022-23 batches are hereby informed that last date to pay Regular Exam Fee of II.IV & VI Semesters and Backlog Exam Fee of I,II,III,IV.V,VI Semester is 20th April 2023 (without late fee). For details http://shorturl.at/aiHI9

RED LISTED students(Click here) are hereby informed that your ADMISSION is UNDER SUSPENSION, due to non submission of Biometric. submit your Aadhar Authentication . Visit nearest mee- seva , e- seva centers .Contact immediately 6304895789 Jagruti Degree & P.G College

All the B.Sc/B.Com/BBA I,IV & VI Sem students are hereby informed to complete the bio-metric process(Aadhar Authentication) Immediately in nearest e-seva/Mee-seva centres. Otherwise you have to pay the complete college fee dues.

All the B.Sc/B.Com/BBA I,IV & VI Sem students are  Informed to apply post-metric scholarship ( Those who have not applied) and submit hardcopy with the relevant documents (Fresh/Renewal) on or before 31.03.23.

Non-Scholarship students should pay total college fee.

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Are you looking to pursue higher education in Hyderabad? Look no further than Jagruti Degree & P.G College one of the top degree colleges in hyderabad We offer world-class facilities and resources, as well as innovative courses designed to help you unlock your potential and pave the way for a successful future. Join us today to start your academic journey at our college


Want to get a higher degree in Hyderabad?, but you're unsure which college to choose from, then this guide is for you. We'll go over the best degree colleges in Hyderabad so you can make an informed decision Heed on your educational journey.
